uploads/supernova remnant.jpg

supernova remnant 【天文學】超新星遺跡〔指超新星存在過程的最后階段,可縮略...


The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula 30 doradus , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡船帆座超新星爆發遺跡蛇夫座與心宿二天區北京古觀象臺夜景劍魚座毒蛛星云英法美莫納克亞天文臺敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖特別天象資料重要天文歷史大事等。

The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula ( 30 doradus ) , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡、船帆座超新星爆發遺跡、蛇夫座與心宿二天區、北京古觀象臺夜景、劍魚座毒蛛星云、英法美莫納克亞天文臺、敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖、特別天象資料、重要天文歷史大事等。

Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the crab nebula and vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation 與蟹狀星云和船帆座超新星遺跡中被磁化電子云(脈沖星風星云)環繞的高速自轉中子星不同,這顆中子星安靜而虛弱,目前為止,沒有顯示脈沖輻射的跡象。

Observations from each telescope highlight distinct features of the supernova remnant , a fast - moving shell of iron - rich material from the exploded star , surrounded by an expanding shock wave that is sweeping up interstellar gas and dust 各望遠鏡的觀測突出的是超新星遺跡不同的部位,恒星爆發產生的高速富鐵殼層,周圍包裹著膨脹的激波,掃過星際氣體和塵埃。

In the only other supernova remnant ( the vela supernova remnant ) where such features have been observed , the crescent shapes are clearly produced by ejecta fragments 其他超新星遺跡中,只有一個(船帆座超新星遺跡)觀測到了這樣的特征,可以確信,該遺跡的新月形外觀是拋出的碎片造就的。

Remaining at the center of the vela supernova remnant is a pulsar , a star as dense as nuclear matter that completely rotates more than ten times in a single second 船帆座超新星爆炸遺骸的中心還存在著一顆脈沖星,它是一顆如原子般致密的天體,一秒鐘可以自轉十次以上。

By color - coding those data and combining them with hubble ' s visible - light view , astronomers are presenting a more complete picture of the supernova remnant 將其按一定的規則著色,再結合哈勃的可見光圖象,天文學家呈獻出的是超新星遺跡更完整的圖象。

Now known as kepler ' s supernova remnant , this object was first seen 400 years ago by sky watchers , including famous astronomer johannes kepler 這個名為開普勒超新星遺跡的天體是400年前的觀測者所發現的,其中就包括著名天文學家約翰尼斯?開普勒。

In fact , the cosmic crab is now known to be a supernova remnant , an expanding cloud of debris from the death explosion of a massive star 實際上,現在我們知道蟹狀星云是超新星爆發的遺跡,即一個巨大恒星死亡后爆炸的殘屑云。

Although considered a “ textbook “ case of a supernova remnant , the intricate structure shown here reveals a few surprises 雖然該遺跡被認為是超新星遺跡的“教科書”式樣板,復雜的結構還是揭示出了幾個驚人之處。

This spectacular image of the supernova remnant cassiopeia a is the most detailed image ever made of the remains of an exploded star 這張壯觀的仙后座a照片是迄今對爆發恒星的殘骸拍攝過的最精細的照片。

Fig 3 : the supernova remnant n63a is believed to be left behind after the explosion of a star with 50 solar mass 圖三:超新星殘骸n63a ,相信為一顆五十倍太陽質量的恒星爆炸所遺留。

Supernovae remnants can leave behind pulsars or spinning neutron stars that may produce gravitational waves 超新星遺跡中可能還存留有脈沖星或自旋中子星,而這些都會產生引力波。

Three of these four objects have possible , but unproved , associations with young supernova remnants 這四顆星體中的三顆,可能都和年輕超新星的殘骸在一起,但這一點還尚待確定。